Iran handicrafts
It is not about happiness in general but about the sparkle and joy a dedicated collector has when s/he sees a new, interesting and beautiful object. Then one starts to talk about the piece, to touch and see it from all sides, to hear it. This multi-sensory experience with a piece of silver – like with a piece of art in general – is what evokes different feelings in a person who collects that are not easy to express. What is sure is that, at this moment, the desire to possess an object is born. This is what we believe to be a basic driver to acquire a silver object: desire and love for the art, the material and the art object.
It can be safely said that today, handmade ceramic dishes are among the most popular and widely used dishes that are used in various situations such as reception, decoration, arrangement, gift, etc. Handmade ceramic dishes have unique, special, and attractive designs, so they are very popular with people. Today, various models of ceramic dishes are produced by artists, which gives you a wide range of choices. This diversity has caused the use of ceramic dishes to increase dramatically in different areas such as daily use, catering, decoration, gifts to others, etc.
Silver, especially Persian silver, can be considered just as a timeless ornamentation of one’s home or a must-have in a collection. Besides the emotional, aesthetic and art historical side, silver has been established in the long run as a secure investment. That event has its part in a collector’s portfolio and agenda.
Since historical silver as part of the design and collectables sector is for sure an attractive art category and art investment, and since many collectors are considering buying also silver or are only collecting silver, this article should be considered as a support to those who are collecting, buying or investing in silver or are considering to do so. Iran handicrafts
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