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The Art Of Playing Backgammon

Backgammon Set Up

backgammon is one of the most popular intellectual games in the world. It is really enjoyable to set up backgammon and play with your friends. Backgammon beds are made in different shapes and using different materials.backgammon persian

This attractive and exciting game is one of our best options to spend a good time with friends and family.

The backgammon game, usually known as a game of thought, method, planning, counting and luck, is not only among the people of Iran but also among the people of other countries in the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

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How to play backgammon

This game is played by two players and the players move their pieces clockwise or counterclockwise according to the numbers shown on the dice. The person who can get his pieces out of the screen first is the winner of this game.

The number of players in this game is 2 and usually, this game lasts for 5 to 60 minutes. As mentioned, among the necessary skills for playing backgammon, we can mention the skills of planning, method and counting, and luck.

It will be impossible to win this game without having a special technique and unplanned moves, although the effect of luck in this game should not be ignored.

Backgammon history

Examining the history of this popular game is the first step to knowing it better. This game dates back to about 2000 years ago. From the beginning, this old game has 30 pieces and 2 dice, all of which are placed in a box with a picture of a snake.

The oldest version of this mysterious game was found in the burnt city. According to the available and authentic documents, the backgammon board was invented during the Sassanid era and the Ardeshir kingdom, the founder of the Sassanid dynasty, by Bozormehr the clever vizier and named after that era.Handmade Chessboard and Backgammon Set Inlay Backgammon Board

It may seem strange, but this game is the result of a conflict between the two kings of India and Iran.

The interesting and fascinating story of the origin of this game is, in short, that first the great Diversam, the king of India, to measure the wisdom and knowledge of Iranians and also to prove the superiority of chess that was invented by Indians, a chess board with pieces of ruby ​​and emerald as well as He sent a letter to the king of Iran.

The content of this letter included a request for submission and also a comparison between the sages and elders of the two countries.

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Backgammon philosophy

Now it’s time to explore the beautiful, rich, instructive and astonishing philosophy of this game. In other words, it can be said that the creation of a game with such a philosophy is one of the wonders of the world.

This game is the only game that was invented based on the life and beliefs of man in that era (Zoroastrianism). In the philosophy of backgammon, the game board is the planet, the inner game board is the sky, the dice are the people, the dice are luck, 30 dice for 30 days and night, 24 houses for 24 hours in the day and night, 4 parts of the game board.

to 4 seasons of the year, 5 playing hands 5 times a day and night, two colours black and white to night and day, 12 houses on each side of the earth to 12 months of the year, the circulation of dice to the circulation of days, The circulation and movement of the pieces on the ground is likened to human life and removing the pieces at the end of the game is likened to death.Persian backgammon set


An important point related to the construction of this device is that it is marketed in standard and different dimensions. Its dimensions are such that people can use this game according to their taste.

Some of its examples are portable like suitcases or boxes. You can see the backgammon bed in its pocket and table type. The choice of colour in this intellectual game is based on taste.

The page of this game is usually made in two colours. You can try different options to choose the type and decorations of this game.



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