Iranian Handicrafts

Iranian Handicrafts

Iran is a country with a very long history and different ethnicities. Each of these ethnic groups has started to create different works according to the geographical and climatic conditions in which they lived, which today we know as valuable handicrafts of our country.
Undoubtedly, handicrafts of land are considered part of the cultural and national identity of that country. Iran is one of the most proud countries in the world with more than 3 thousand different and colorful handicrafts. Iranian Handicraftskhatamkari

The word “handicrafts” is made from two words “hand and crafts”. Hand here means made by hand or the use of simple tools in making any item, and the term “handicraft” refers to the skill that is usually used in various branches of decorative arts. The term handicraft is mostly used to combine art and craft and also means a type of work in which functional and decorative works are made entirely by hand or using simple tools.

Its history is almost 5000 years old. Sometimes it can be fun work, but often it involves extensive activities, including making things by hand. One of the important features of these industries is that they include a high degree of industries made by “hands”, so these industries are not just in terms and have taken the place of machine skills. Finally, these artistic industries are sometimes referred to as products. It is called hand-made, age-old products, traditional creative industries or works of art.




Who are the handicraft customers?

These arts are very valuable in the beauty of appearance and are not necessarily among those that are needed by society and must be used in relation to a physical goal or a special group of people and can include all groups of people, children, adults, be gentlemen And women also often use and enjoy it. Especially children who are in school may learn skills such as carpentry, inlay, sewing or making various things with various materials.Iranian handicrafts

There are also many centers and schools in the community for those interested in learning workshops and apprenticeship skills. A general problem we face in studying this section is that there really isn’t a separate commodity classification for handicrafts …… Since there is no universally accepted single definition of the term ‘handicrafts’, that word for A wide range of different objects is used. Among them, we can mention a wide range of “gift items”, household items, household furniture, products and ornaments.




The importance of these industries in society

Handicrafts have economic and cultural importance. These industries represent the culture and heritage of the society and are known as a symbol that truly depicts the daily culture of the people. It promotes a country’s heritage by using indigenous materials and preserves traditional knowledge and talents. Persian crafts are the expression of our history and I think we should encourage artisans to continue this way to show the beauty of this art. Therefore, because of their importance, June 10 has been named World Handicrafts Day. The importance of these industries is also very important in terms of economic development. They even provide employment opportunities with low investment for employees and may even make them an outstanding intermediary for foreign income.persian backgammon


Iranian handicrafts for souvenirs

As mentioned earlier, each city or country has its own handicrafts that suit the culture and taste of the people of that place, and each of them has a unique beauty. Due to the special and unique features of these industries as well as the taste and taste that the artist creates in them with his hands, these industries gained special popularity among the souvenirs of every country. This industry in Iran is one of the most important art industries that has deep roots in Iranian culture and history.

Iran has many Persian art industries. The number and extent of various branches of handicrafts can be divided into several subcategories, which indicates the diversity and prosperity of traditional Iranian arts and their roots in Iran’s rich history. In Iran, you will find great Persian gifts and high-quality items made by local artists.tazhib art

Different types of handicrafts in Iran

Iran’s handicrafts are known as one of the richest artistic heritages in the history of the world and include many fields such as architecture, painting, weaving, pottery, calligraphy, metalwork stonework, etc. This Iranian art reflects a 5000-year-old cultural tradition with significant progress throughout history. A large number of artists have produced beautiful products that are known around the world. Handicrafts of the world, especially the beautiful examples in Iran, are not only a suitable option for gifting to our loved ones but also can give a special effect and design to the environment in which it is placed.



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