Frame Wall Art Iranian Crafts

Why Should We Use Iranian Handicrafts?

Iranian Crafts

Handicrafts of each region are considered the national heritage of that country. Supporting and buying handicrafts helps a lot to the country’s economy. Each country’s handicrafts are unique, therefore, they can be introduced to other countries for the development of trade and export, and in a way to introduce the culture and art of Iran. Because handicrafts are usually exported to other countries, or tourists may take Iranian handicrafts as souvenirs for their acquaintances in their country, this causes the recognition and popularity of handicrafts and the improvement of the country’s economy. why it is important to support and buy Iranian handmade products. There are many and varied reasons that we want to explain more about in this article. Iran is one of the most well-known countries after China and India in the industry of artistic handicrafts. Iranian CraftsHandmade Tea Set




Reasons to buy Persian handicrafts and Iranian handmade products

Buying handicrafts has many advantages, whether you buy from artisans or from a local artisan you know. There are benefits to buying crafts for both the maker and the artistic people who make them. But in general, supporting handicrafts and buying them is considered to support the national economy. In the following, we will get to know some of the most important reasons for buying handicrafts:

1- The production of handicrafts is good for preserving the environment and does not harm it

One of the important reasons for handicraft products is that they are completely handmade and do not need large factories. Therefore, they are great for the environment and do not cause pollution. Therefore, almost all the people who work in this field of handmade crafts work in small craft studios and workshops, renovated warehouses at the end of their yard or garden.

2- The uniqueness of each handmade product

One of the characteristics of handicraft products is that they are not mass-produced like other products, and even if they are in the same style, they are still different and unique. Make your purchase very special and unique. Handicraft products are such that no one in the world will have the same item, and this makes them more popular and special.

3- The existence of local handicrafts supports the national economy

When you order a handmade product even if it is not from the handicrafts of your area. With this, you directly supported an Iranian artist. Supporting the artists of your country makes the money stay where it is, and this in itself is considered a big deal. In simpler words, instead of your money going to international companies, only a small part of that cost is given to the manufacturer or design.

But remember that buying and supporting handmade crafts, in addition to the strong financial argument it has for the individual and the national economy, gives the maker and craftsman the confidence to make investments to further develop their skills, and also By reinvesting the money, give your business more power and continue producing your beautiful works of art.

Iranian Crafts

persian crafts

4- The resistance of handicrafts against time

If you remember in the past if you bought something it would last for a long time. On the other hand, most Iranian handmade products and local handicrafts are made with the aim of durability. Because the moulds are made from raw materials that are resistant to time, and the changes made to them are because you have kept them for a longer period of time.

5- Having ideal quality

Some Iranian handmade products may take a long time to be produced, perhaps from a few days to even a year or more, on the other hand, they have a very high value. For this reason, all types of wood or other basic materials can often be used in handicraft production. In the production of Iranian handicrafts, producers always tend to use good and quality materials. The use of quality materials increases the durability and shelf life of products.

6- High variety of Iranian handmade products

With time, the diversity in handicrafts has reached a very wide variety. Hence, you can make different types of handicraft products. Handwoven and handmade products such as earrings, wooden bracelets, diaries, decorative items, toys, etc., all of which are made by hand. On the other hand, Iranian handmade products and handicrafts can be a suitable choice for gift-giving.khatamkari




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