Handmade Chessboard and Backgammon Set Inlay Backgammon Board

Inlay Backgammon Board

Inlay Backgammon Board

Persian backgammon set

Khatamkari backgammon is one of the traditional and beautiful handicrafts of Iran. Artists create beautiful and valuable effects of this product by using their special techniques. This art, which is a combination of precision, patience and taste of artists, has shown the history and culture of Iran and still has many fans from all over the world. Inlay Backgammon Board

If you are also interested in works of art such as Khatam Kari, this article is suitable for you. Because in the following we will talk briefly about this ancient art and we will examine the points that you should consider when buying it.persian art

What is a backgammon board?

Khatamkari is an artistic and handmade work that has become famous in Iran’s handicrafts. This art is more popular in the cities of Isfahan and Shiraz and has an old and fascinating history in the culture of our country. Backgammon is one of the popular products in the art of inlaying. These backgammon boards are often made of walnut, oak, or other quality woods. Then, using different materials such as bone, copper, brass and gold, beautiful and detailed designs are created on the backgammon board. These designs usually include geometric patterns and patterns, blooming flowers and even innovative shapes that are carved with infinite precision and patience by Khatamkar artists.

Khatamkari backgammon is not only a game tool, but also a valuable and unique work of art that can be used as a beautiful and elegant decorative piece in the interior decoration of the home or workplace.

Currently, this extraordinary work of art has been able to find a special place in the domestic and foreign art market and attract a lot of attention. For people who are looking for a special and beautiful gift, backgammon with inlay style is the best option for them.


All kinds of backgammon designs

Studying and knowing the types of backgammon designs with inlay style is one of the most important elements that are influential in Iranian arts and crafts. These designs not only represent the taste and art of Iranian handicrafts but also depict their cultural and historical values. These artistic and cultural effects can be seen in each of the backgammon designs like in the Iranian backgammon board.Persian backgammon set

Star design

One of the types of backgammon designs is the star design. This design gives backgammon a special beauty and glory by using geometric lines and flexibility in design. The star design is a symbol of cohesion and harmony in the design of inlay work and uses precise details and elegance in execution.


flower design

Another design that is used in inlay-style backgammon is the flower design. This design conveys beauty and elegance to the backgammon board by using flower and leaf patterns. The flower design is a symbol of beauty and nature in the art of Khatamkari and creates unique works with delicate details and vivid colours.

Indian design

Another design that is used in Khatam Kari backgammon is the Indian design. Inspired by Indian art and culture, this design brings Indian tricks to the backgammon board. The Indian design represents the beauty and detail in Khatam Kari and creates a unique effect with a variety of Indian colours and patterns.

The Seven Professions Plan

Another type of board design is the seven-sided design. This design consists of seven parallel lines that are placed crosswise on the backgammon board. This design shows the art and precision of Khatam Kari crafts. Each line of this design can represent one of the important elements of life, such as wind, water, fire, sun, moon and earth.



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